Membership Categories & Fees

New Members

New members are welcome to join any time throughout the year.  For more information please contact our office Mon – Fri 9.00am to 4.00pm 9335 4359

Membership Renewals

Membership Renewals for 2024/25 season will be made available via the our online renewal system.

Payment options are  available by instalments. A nominal fee will be incurred.

Please contact the office on 9335 4359

Membership Categories

Nippers (5 to 12 yrs)

All members in this age bracket automatically become nippers of the Club and take part in the Club nipper activities on the beach on Sunday mornings. Nippers work towards their relevant Nipper Achievement Certificate for their particular age group each season. Nippers fees for the 2024/25 season is $160.

Membership of an active nipper requires the membership of at least one parent. Should you not be a current active, long service or associate member, you will be required to purchase a parent membership at a cost of $120 for the year.

Each Nipper will receive a Woodside Nipper Pack which includes a coloured cap and hi vis vest which must be worn while participating in the nipper program. Limited replacement caps ($10) and vests ($15) are available.

Youth (13 to 17 yrs)

Active Youth are required to gain their Surf Rescue Certificate when they turn 13 and their Bronze Medallion award when they turn 15. 

Active Youth may choose to compete at Senior Carnivals in Under 14, 15 and Under 17 age groups. They can also become junior Age Group Managers assisting with nipper activities.

Active Youth members are required to become active patrolling members of the Club.

Active 18 yrs +
Prospective Active Senior members must first complete their SLS Bronze Medallion. Fremantle SLSC approves a new Active Senior membership with the understanding you will register for the next available Bronze Medallion Course. Please refer to our Education section for information on upcoming courses. New members will be required to complete their Bronze Medallion Course within six months of joining the Club. Active Senior Members are required to:
  • Pay an annual subscription fee to remain a member of the Club
  • Hold the relevant award (Bronze Medallion) and complete the annual skills maintenance testing (Requal) for this award in October/November of each year
  • Complete a minimum of 18 club hours per season (9 hours October – December 31st and 9 hours January 1st – April)
Active Senior Members are encouraged to:
  • Further their lifesaving skills by gaining higher awards such as ARTC, Spinal Management and IRB Crew/Driver
  • Experienced patrol members with good leadership skills are encouraged to become Patrol Captains and obtain higher awards
  • Be involved in different areas of the Club by signing up for club committees
  • Be active in surf sport competition at Club, Inter-Club, State and National levels

Family Membership – maximum registration fee payable by a family ~ adults and student children under 24yrs as at the 30 September. This category does not include gym or social memberships. Family membership fees for the 2024/25 season $510.00.

Associate - Gym or Social

Associate Gym members are able to use Club gym & changerooms and welcome to attend Club social events. Gym membership for the 2024/25 season $510.00.

Associate Social members are able to use Club changerooms and welcome attend Club social event. Social membership for the 2024/25 season $200.00

Locker Hire – small $18.70 and large $22.00 – please contact the Office 9335 4359.

Membership Fees

Category​ Amount​
Nipper (5 – 12 yrs)
Active (18 yrs +)
Active Reserve (must be approved by Dir Life Saving)
Long Service
Nipper Parent
New members joining fee
$35.00pp or $105.00per family membership